Friday, September 17, 2010

Lee Kuan Yew lebih rasis - blogger

Mahathir kecam Kuan Yew

KUALA LUMPUR 16 Sept. - Tuduhan Menteri Mentor Singapura, Lee Kuan Yew bahawa Malaysia tidak berlaku adil dan menyisihkan kaum lain langsung tidak berasas sebaliknya penyisihan kaum di republik tersebut adalah lebih teruk dan lebih hebat.

Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad berkata, kaum Cina yang merangkumi 75 peratus penduduk pulau tersebut menguasai 95 peratus ekonomi negaranya.

Sehubungan itu, beliau berkata, Singapura bukan negara pelbagai kaum sebaliknya adalah negara kaum Cina di mana penduduk minoriti tidak mendapat layanan yang sama.

"Kuan Yew bercakap mengenai kesaksamaan dan keadilan antara kaum tetapi sebaik sahaja Singapura keluar dari Malaysia, kaum Cina menjadi majoriti dan mendominasi republik itu.

"Seperkara yang harus diketahui aktiviti membantah atau membangkang kerajaan tidak dibenarkan di Singapura,'' katanya dalam entri terbarunya bertajuk Malaysia according to LKY dalam blognya di di sini.

Beliau mengulas kenyataan Kuan Yew dalam akhbar New York Times pada 1 September lalu yang mengkritik sistem diamalkan di negara ini dan menuduh Malaysia tidak berlaku adil serta menyisihkan kaum lain.

Dalam temu bual itu juga, Kuan Yew membayangkan Malaysia mungkin menjadi lebih baik jika tidak berpisah dengan Singapura kerana republik itu kini telah mencapai tahap yang membanggakan dalam hubungan kaum.

Mengulas lanjut, Dr. Mahathir menarik perhatian mereka yang bertanding menentang parti pemerintah PAP akan dikenakan tindakan termasuk diheret ke mahkamah atas tuduhan memfitnah.

Sekalipun menang pilihan raya, beliau berkata, mereka tidak berpeluang menduduki kerusi di Parlimen republik itu berbeza dengan parti-parti pembangkang di Malaysia.

Malah di Malaysia, empat daripada 13 negeri di perintah oleh parti pembangkang.

"Di Singapura, PAP terpaksa melantik wakil mereka untuk berperanan sebagai pembangkang,'' katanya.

Mengenai tuduhan Malaysia akan menjadi lebih baik dari segi hubungan kaum jika tidak berpisah dengan Singapura, Dr. Mahathir melontarkan soalan:

"Adakah kita percaya jika Singapura masih berada dalam Malaysia, masalah perkauman tidak akan berlaku?

"Saya juga percaya jika Singapura masih berada di dalam Malaysia, PAP sudah pasti akan menguasai politik negara bersama kaum Cina yang lain. Pada masa itu parti-parti pembangkang tidak akan ada suara. Seorang pun tidak akan berani bercakap apa-apa."

Dr. Mahathir berkata, hilang ingatan memang boleh berlaku tetapi membuat kenyataan bahawa Malaysia akan menjadi lebih baik jika tidak berpisah dengan Singapura jelas tidak berasaskan fakta sebenar.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dinar Emas - Dr.M

1. Izinkan saya jelaskan pandangan saya terhadap kegunaan dinar emas yang saya cadangkan.

2. Saya telah cadang dinar emas digunakan untuk dagangan antarabangsa sahaja. Saya tidak pernah cadang dinar emas diguna sebagai matawang mana-mana negara untuk kegunaan harian.

3. Walaupun harga emas lebih stabil daripada matawang, tetapi nilai emas juga bergerak. Semasa Perjanjian Brettonwoods satu auns emas bernilai $35 Dolar Amerika. Tetapi sekarang satu auns emas bernilai $1,300 Dolar Amerika. Ini bermakna nilai Dolar telah jatuh degan teruk. Namun untuk dagangan antarabangsa Dolar masih diguna.

4. Jika satu syiling emas diberi nilai 1 Ringgit hari ini umpamanya dan kemudian nilai emas meningkat maka sudah tentu pemilik syiling emas tidak akan gunanya untuk membeli-belah dengan bernilai satu Ringgit. Mereka akan guna wang kertas 1 Ringgit. Syiling emas akan disimpan.

5. Lama kelamaan semua dinar emas yang dikeluarkan oleh pihak berkuasa akan hilang dari pasaran. Walau banyak mana sekali pun pihak berkuasa mengeluar dinar emas akhirnya akan habis emas yang disimpan. Inilah yang berlaku pada Amerika Syarikat yang pada satu masa memiliki 80 peratus daripada simpanan (reserve) emas dunia.

6. Mekanisma yang lain akan diguna untuk dagangan antarabangsa dengan dinar emas. Simpanan matawang emas tidak perlu dalam bentuk syiling tetapi sebagai bata atau jongkong emas yang nilai-nilai akan mengikut harga emas dalam pasaran.

7. Bayaran untuk dagangan akan dibuat oleh bank pusat setelah dihitung nilai eksport dan nilai import antara dua negara. Jika import melebihi eksport maka negara berkenaan akan bayar dengan nota kredit bersamaan jumlah nilai emas sebanyak kelebihan nilai import tolak nilai eksport.

8. Jika pada bulan hadapan eksportnya ke negara berkenaan melebihi nilai import maka bayaran untuk kelebihan ini boleh dibuat dengan nota kredit bulan lepas.

9. Dengan cara ini tidak ada keperluan membayar dengan emas walaupun emas menentukan nilai barangan yang didagangkan. Hanya bayaran dibuat untuk lebih atau kurangnya eksport dengan import secara total dengan negara-negara berkenaan tiap bulan atau minggu. Jika nilai import adalah sama dengan eksport, bayaran tidak perlu dibuat. Ia menjadi dagangan secara barter (tukar barang).

10. Dengan menggunakan emas untuk menentukan nilai dagangan, Dolar Amerika yang jelas tidak stabil tidak perlu digunakan lagi. Permainan oleh penyangak matawang juga akan terhenti.

Malaysia according to Mr. Lee Kuan Yew - Dr. M

1. Mr Lee Kwan Yew, the Minister Mentor of Singapore is three years my senior. That means he and I practically grew up in the same period of time. That also means that I have been able to watch the progress of Mr Lee, and in fact to interact with him on various occasions.

2. His assertion in his interview with the New York Times that "Race relations (would be) better if Singapore (had) not (been) "turfed out" (of Malaysia) is worth studying. Is it true or is it fantasy?

3. Before Singapore joined the Peninsular, Sabah and Sarawak to form Malaysia, there was less racial politics in the Federation of Malaysia. In 1955 the Malays who made up 80 per cent of the citizens gave a large number of their constituencies to the few Chinese and Indian citizens and ensured they won with strong Malay support. As a result the Alliance won 51 of the 52 seats contested.

4. The Tunku then rewarded this willingness of the Chinese and Indian citizens to support the coalition concept by giving them one million unconditional citizenship. This reduced Malay majority to 60 per cent.

5. In the 1959 elections the Alliance of UMNO, MCA and MIC won easily though Kelantan was lost. PAS with only Malays as members was rejected. Racialism even when implied failed.

6. In 1963 Singapore became a part of Malaysia. Despite having promised that the PAP will not participate in Peninsular, Sabah and Sarawak politics, Kwan Yew reneged and the PAP tried to displace the MCA in the Alliance by appealing to Chinese sentiments in the Peninsular. Of course the slogan was "Malaysian Malaysia" which implied that the Chinese were not having equal rights with the Malays. If this appeal to Chinese sentiments against the Malays was not racial, I do not know what is racial.

7. But the Peninsular Chinese favoured working with the Malays in UMNO. They totally rejected PAP in 1964.

8. Following the Malaysian Malaysia campaign a few UMNO leaders tried to rouse Singapore Malay sentiments. There were demonstrations in Singapore where before there were none. Kwan Yew accused Jaafar Albar for instigating the Singapore Malays. Although I never went to Singapore, nor met the Malays there, I was labelled a Malay-ultra by Kwan Yew himself.

9. By 1965 racism had taken hold and the Tunku was forced to end Singapore's membership of Malaysia. But the seed of Chinese racialism had been sown, so that even after the PAP left, the "Malaysian Malaysia" war cry was picked up by the DAP, an offspring of the PAP.

10. With the background of Singapore's activities in Malaysia in the short three years of its membership, can we really believe that if it had not been "turfed out" race relations would be better in Malaysia?

11. But proof of what would have happened was shown by the politics leading up to the 1969 Election. The MCA began to criticise the Sino/Malay cooperation especially on so-called special rights and demanded for a Chinese University. UMNO then began to clamour for a greater share of the economy of the country. The UMNO/MCA conflict resulted in the Alliance faring very badly in the 1969 Elections.

12. DAP and Gerakan, a new party largely made up of MCA dissidents made gains. The Alliance were shocked and rattled.

13. Then the Gerakan and DAP held their victory parade near the Malay settlement of Kampung Baru, hurling racist insults at the Malays. The result was the 13th May race riots.

14. Till today the racist slogan "Malaysian Malaysia" is the war-cry of the DAP. Racism in Malaysia is clearly the result of Singapore's membership of the country for just three years. Can we really believe that if Singapore had not been "turfed out" Malaysia would have no racial problem.

15. While Kwan Yew talks about his belief that all ethnic communities should free themselves from the shackles of racial segregation in order to promote fairness and equality among the races, he also said that "once we are by ourselves (out of Malaysia) the Chinese become the majority".

16. Singapore's population is made up of 75 per cent Chinese and they own 95 per cent of the economy. It is therefore not a truly multi-racial country but a Chinese country with minority racial groups who are additionally much poorer.

17. In Singapore dissent is not allowed, People who contest against the PAP would be hauled up in court for libel and if they win elections would not be allowed to take their places in Parliament. Whereas in Malaysia opposition parties invariably win seats in Parliament and even set up State Governments (today five out of the 13 States are ruled by the opposition parties) the PAP in Singapore has to appoint PAP members to represent the opposition.

18. Whether the PAP admits it or not, the party has always been led and dominated by ethnic Chinese and have won elections principally because of Chinese votes. The others are not even icing on the cake.

19. If Singapore is a part of Malaysia the PAP can certainly reproduce the Singapore kind of non-racial politics because together with the Malaysian Chinese, the PAP will ethnically dominate and control Malaysian politics. No dissent would be allowed and certainly no one would dare say anything about who really runs the country.

20. Amnesia is permissible but trying to claim that it is because Singapore had been "turfed out" for the present racist politics in Malaysia is simply not supported by facts of history.

21. Lee Kwan Yew and I saw the same things and know the reasons why.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


1. I am shocked. I am shocked that Malaysians have invited Tony Blair, former Prime Minister of Britain to speak in Malaysia. I am even more shocked and I am disgusted that the organisation, which is inviting this liar of a Prime Minister, is one concerned with being achievers. Presumably they are keen to learn about the achievements of Prime Minister Blair and to learn from him how to achieve.

2. Maybe they have not heard that this is the man, the Prime Minister of Britain who has been proven to be a liar, who had admitted that he lied about the capability of Iraq to launch a nuclear attack against Britain within 45 minutes. He lied about this absurdity because he wanted his Government, Parliament and the British people to support war against Iraq, to support his violent overthrow of a foreign Government he did not approve.

3. He lied that he had information that Saddam Hussein had an arsenal of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Today the whole world knows that Iraq had no WMD (maybe those who are inviting him do not know about this. If they didn't know then they don't deserve to call their group as wanting to be achievers).

4. On the basis of these lies, he joined Bush in the war against Iraq, a war that has killed over 300,000 Iraqis, mostly non-combatants; which has destroyed the cities of Iraq with billions of dollars of losses, which has destroyed the city of Babylon and ancient artefacts in its museum, the birthplace of human civilisation.

5. Hundreds of British soldiers died for nothing. The shock and awe attacks have unleashed a fratricidal war between Iraqis where there was none before. It has largely been responsible for the "acts of terror" now facing the world.

6. Yet there is no end in sight. The coalition of the willing cannot even withdraw. More troops have been committed instead. But nothing has been achieved.

7. Blair has been subjected to a public enquiry. All he can say for himself is that he wanted to get rid of Saddam Hussein - to achieve a regime change even if Saddam had no WMD. Saddam has been hanged along with other members of his Government. Regime change has been accomplished. But it is illegal, it is against international laws for any country to violently force a change of government in another country. For this alone Blair is guilty. But to lie blatantly in order to achieve this regime change, to kill hundreds of thousands of women, children, the old and the infirmed along with a few soldiers is more than criminal. It is certainly something that Malaysians should not want to emulate or to achieve.

8. Are the Malaysian achievers hoping to learn from Blair about how he achieved his murder of a foreign country's leader to achieve a regime change, to lie as he did in order to achieve something, to care little for the lives of innocent people, to send his soldiers into battle for nothing? These are his achievements - shameful, cruel and totally uncivilised.

9. Malaysians must protest against this liar coming to Malaysia, much less to talk on his lying achievements. I pray to God that no Malaysian would harbour this idea of learning from the achievements of this unmitigated liar, Tony Blair, the lapdog of the arch-liar Bush and the self-appointed Deputy Sheriff Howard of Australia.

blair the liar

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Barat tak perlu kritik isu kalimah: Dr M

KUALA LUMPUR: Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad berpendapat negara Barat tidak boleh mengkritik Malaysia berhubung isu kalimah Allah kerana mereka juga dianggap tidak demokratik kerana sering memperlekehkan Islam.

Dr Mahathir berkata, negara Barat tidak perlu menjadikan isu kalimah Allah untuk dijadikan bahan untuk menyelar Malaysia kerana sesetengah negara Barat melakukan layanan tidak baik pada Islam.

“Switzerland tidak membenarkan menara masjid didirikan, manakala Perancis tidak membenarkan tudung dipakai... pendapat saya mereka yang tidak demokratik,” katanya pada sidang media selepas majlis perjanjian antara Petronas Lubricants International dengan Proton Holdings Berhad, di sini, semalam

Dr Mahathir juga menegur Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz, yang dikatakan mempertikaikan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi.

“Ada macam kekeliruan di sini, kerajaan kata mereka tunggu keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan manakala di pihak lain, Nazri dilihat melangkaui urusan mahkamah dengan berkata ada negeri yang boleh guna perkataan Allah,” katanya.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sand For Singapore -Dr.M

1. Works Minister Datuk Shaziman Abu Mansor remarked that everyday 500 trucks carry sand from Johor to Singapore. A friend told me that it is not 500. It is 700. That's a lot of sand.

2. I thought we had stopped selling lorry loads of our land to Singapore. But my friend explained that the sand is not sand. It is silica sand.

3. Singapore needs it to make microchips. I don't know how much sand goes into those tiny microchips. Must be a lot if they need 700 truck loads of sand a day.

4. Selling raw materials gives the least return. Better to add value by processing the raw material.

5. Cannot be that difficult to produce silica from silica sand. Glass factories do that (I think) all the time. And we do have glass factories in Malaysia. Why not produce the silicon wafers and sell them to Singapore?

6. I think someone is not telling the truth.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Gaza di bom setiap hari - Dr.M

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American F-16's used by Zionists wreak havoc in Gaza

This is why Mesir are eF

Gaza terus dibom setiap hari - Dr. Mahathir

KUALA LUMPUR 13 Jan. - Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad berkata, tentera Israel masih menyerang dan mengebom Gaza walaupun masyarakat dunia diberitahu serangan terhadap wilayah itu telah dihentikan sejak setahun lalu.

Perkara itu dimaklumkan kepadanya oleh pasukan Pertubuhan Keamanan Sedunia Perdana dari Malaysia yang menyertai konvoi antarabangsa Viva Palestina bagi menghantar bantuan kepada penduduk di Gaza, baru-baru ini.

"Ketika berada di sana, pasukan itu mendapati tentera Israel masih meneruskan serangan terhadap penduduk Gaza dengan melakukan pengeboman setiap hari.

"Inilah perkara yang kita semua tidak tahu. Kita ingat tentera Israel telah berhenti menyerang Gaza sejak setahun lalu," katanya di dalam blog

Beliau berkata demikian bagi mengulas situasi di wilayah bergolak itu selepas kepulangan sembilan rakyat Malaysia yang menyertai konvoi Viva Palestina tersebut.

Mereka yang terdiri daripada empat anggota Pertubuhan Keamanan Sedunia Perdana, empat petugas Bernama TV dan seorang wakil Yayasan Al Bukhari merupakan sebahagian daripada 450 anggota konvoi antarabangsa itu.

Konvoi tersebut sebelum ini berdepan cabaran apabila dihalang Kerajaan Mesir daripada memasuki sempadan Gaza bagi menghantar bantuan kemanusiaan berkenaan.

Dr. Mahathir berkata, serangan-serangan tersebut disasarkan ke tempat-tempat awam seperti universiti, hospital dan bangunan pentadbiran yang menyerlahkan niat sebenar Israel.

Beliau berkata, situasi yang berlaku terhadap penduduk Gaza itu menunjukkan bahawa dunia sudah tidak mempedulikan penderitaan mereka.

"Kononnya, masyarakat dunia tidak mahu mengambil tahu mengenai kesengsaraan rakyat Palestin itu.

"Ia sudah dianggap sebagai satu perkara normal dan mereka tidak layak lagi mendapat perhatian atau simpati," katanya.

Walaupun begitu, pasukan misi bantuan itu memberitahunya, penduduk Gaza tetap bersemangat untuk meneruskan kehidupan mereka.

"Mereka segera membersihkan semua kemusnahan itu. Mereka juga cuba menjaga kebersihan di semua kawasan yang terjejas," katanya.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Dr M kongsi rahsia kejayaan projek Plus

PETALING JAYA: Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad akan berkongsi rahsia di sebalik kejayaan pembinaan projek Lebuh Raya Utara Selatan (Plus) pada Pameran dan Persidangan Lebuh Raya Antarabangsa Plus (Piece) 2010 di Kuala Lumpur, pada 5 hingga 7 April ini.

Pengerusi Piece 2010 merangkap Pengarah Urusan Plus Expressway Berhad, Noorizah Abd Hamid, berkata Dr Mahathir yang mencetuskan idea pembinaan lebuh raya itu dijemput menjadi penceramah kehormat pada pameran dan persidangan berkenaan.

“Dr Mahathir mempunyai urusan di Bosnia ketika pameran dan persidangan berlangsung tetapi beliau sudah menyatakan persetujuan berkongsi pengetahuan dan pengalamannya dengan peserta menerusi sidang video khas,” katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian selepas pelancaran rasmi pameran dan persidangan itu bertemakan ‘Lebuh Raya Abad Ke-21: Mencorak Masa Depan’ di Menara Korporat Plus, Persada Plus, di sini semalam. Majlis itu disempurnakan Timbalan Menteri Kerjaraya, Datuk Yong Khoon Seng.